a - z指数



一天 一年 事件
7月1日 1927 内尔·哈德森成为注册主任.
7月1日 1943 大约有400名海军男子参加了该学院的V-12项目.
7月1日 1948 Seventy-five students pledged to work for the proposed bond issue for a 3月yville swimming pool.
7月1日 1964 J.W. 琼斯在西北航空公司工作了26年后退休,其中包括担任总裁的最后19年.
7月1日 1977 Dr. B.D. 欧文斯开始担任网上赌博网站十大排行第八任校长,也是第一位担任校长的校友
7月4日 1917 "Office Cat," a precursor to The Stroller, made its first appearance in the Green and White Courier.
7月5日 1917 The first in a series of "War Discussions" was given by faculty for students and the public.
7月5日 2001 森. Jean Carnahan and more than 100 members of the Northwest community gathered to dedicate the Mel Carnahan Reading Room in the J.W. 琼斯学生联合会,不到一年后州长. 梅尔·卡纳汉死于飞机失事. The room on the third floor of the Student Union is now known as The Carnahan Student 森ate Chamber.
7月5日 2016 Repairs began on the Administration Building with the demolition and replacement of the south gable above the west wing. 大修工程, 其中还包括更换大楼的所有窗户, 一直持续到2017年春末.
7月6日 1928 总统Uel Lamkin成为国家教育协会主席.
7月6日 1931 学院陷入了银行倒闭的困境,但大部分资金都有保险.
7月6日 1935 R.T. 赖特来到学院,后来成为农业系主任.
7月8日 1930 Classes were canceled and the flag in front of the Administration Building was flown at half mast after President Lamkin's 3-year-old son, 迪基, 不幸在总统家中摔了一跤.
7月8日 1938 校董会接到通知,美国.S. 政府将承担建造图书馆费用的45%. 威尔斯图书馆于1939年10月建成.
7月8日 2011 “上进”计划在网上赌博网站十大排行庆祝25周年,在冈特学院团聚. 该项目帮助高中生实现上大学的目标.
7月8日 2016 The 密苏里州 Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) recognized Northwest as one of 密苏里州’s Most Supportive Employers at its annual awards dinner at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City, 密苏里州.
7月9日 1915 奥利弗小姐. 德鲁斯被聘为艺术部主任.
7月9日 1930 普利策奖获奖作家威尔·杜兰特参观了校园.
7月10日 1911 由于缺水,师范学校的城市供水被切断了, 导致学校使用了行政大楼西边的一口井, 人们被禁止从井里给马喝水.
7月10日 1911 由于缺水,师范学校的城市供水被切断了, 导致学校使用了行政大楼西边的一口井, 人们被禁止从井里给马喝水.
7月11日 1985 The 校董会 voted to rename the University's Agriculture Mechanics Building in honor of Alfred McKemy, 谁在1975年到1985年在董事会任职, 包括连续三年担任董事会主席,任期两年.
7月11日 2014 The Northwest Foundation Board of Directors voted unanimously to launch the Forever Green fundraising campaign, 从一个安静的阶段开始,培养主要捐助者. The campaign ended in 2021 with more than $55 million raised, exceeding its $45 million goal.
7月15日 2020 Northwest entered the third and final phase of its plan to restore campus operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. 敦促所有学生采取病毒缓解措施, employees and visitors to wear face coverings and maintain at least 6 feet of social distance. 随着学生和员工返回校园, 他们收到了西北品牌的面罩和瓶装洗手液.
7月16日 1907 学校的第一任体育主管保罗. 怀特,被雇佣了.
7月16日 1979 狂风暴雨把奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼的屋顶都刮掉了, allowing water to pour onto the Charles Johnson Theater stage and causing damage to 100 prints in the Percival DeLuce Memorial Collection. Wells图书馆的屋顶受损也造成了大约120本图书的严重水损.
7月17日 1918 A service flag was dedicated with 137 stars representing each of the current or former Normal students fighting in World War I.
7月19日 1906 The Normal School enters competitive sports as the college team played a baseball game against a town team.
7月19日 1909 Dr. H.K. 泰勒在霍默·马丁·库克总统辞职后当选总统. 然而,库克撤回了辞呈,学校在4个月的时间里换了两任校长.
7月19日 1920 The YMCA established a cafeteria in the first floor corridor of the Administration Building to serve 300 people attending a Vitalized Agriculture shortcourse.
7月20日 1939 Thomas Hart Benton presented the class of 1939 with a lithograph of "Cradling Wheat" after the class was unable to purchase one of his oil paintings.
7月21日 1949 The 校董会 voted to change the school's name from Northwest 密苏里州 State Teacher's College to Northwest 密苏里州 State College.
7月22日 1890 “旧神学院大楼”奠基.
7月24日 1979 An electrical malfunction above fourth-floor offices in the Administration Building caused a catastrophic fire that nearly destroyed the building.
7月24日 2019 In conjunction with a commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the fire that devastated the Administration Building, KXCV hosted an open house and ribbon-cutting to celebrate the completion of its remodeling on the second floor of Wells Hall.
7月25日 1911 正常合唱团表演了康塔塔《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》.
7月25日 1913 两年的教育学学士学位课程被取消了, 于是决定颁发终身文凭,不加头衔.
7月26日 2010 西北行政大楼, 有着百年历史的塔楼是文化的象征, 教育与经济发展, 被列入国家史迹名录. 
7月27日 1911 Students saw the first "talking picture" at the Fern Theater; the story was told as pictures played.
7月28日 2011 Three women became the first to graduate from Northwest’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion program launched in 2009. 也, 21 students became the first to receive their Master of Business Administration degrees through an online degree program administered in collaboration with 密苏里州 Southern State University.
7月28日 2014 The University Police Department and Office of Purchasing moved from their headquarters on West Ninth Street at the east edge of campus to a newly completed structure adjacent to the Materials Distribution Center on the west side of campus.
7月29日 1905 The commission for locating the Fifth District Normal School in northwest 密苏里州 visited 3月yville.
7月29日 1927 成立了社会科学荣誉社团“Pi Gamma Nu”.
7月29日 1937 西北地区的一项智力测试证明,女生比男生更聪明.
7月29日 2004 Northwest's football stadium formally known as Rickenbrode Stadium was renamed 熊猫 Stadium. The name change was proposed by a group of anonymous donors who wanted the name to honor everyone who was involved in the recent completion of a series of stadium improvements.
7月30日 1945 拉姆金校长向校董会递交了辞职信.
7月30日 1954 第一次毕业典礼于晚上8点在纪念体育场(现在的熊猫体育场)举行.m.
7月30日 2021 西北庆祝农业学习中心的开幕, a 29,500平方英尺的多功能设施.T. 赖特农场. 那天晚上, 校友, donors and friends gathered in the Hughes Fieldhouse to celebrate the end of its seven-year "Forever Green" comprehensive campaign, 这是学校历史上的第二次, 这家公司筹集了55美元,超过了4500万美元的目标,026,782.
7月31日 1996 The Wormy World restaurant opened for one night only in the Horace Mann Laboratory School's fourth-level classroom, 在Sheri Strating的指导下. 当晚的菜单包括砂锅虫和辣椒虫.
7月31日 2010 Dr. 弗兰克Grispino, 网上赌博网站十大排行教授兼博士项目主任, 在大学工作了45年后退休.
7月31日 2015 密苏里科学院, Mathematics and Computing kicked off a weekend-long celebration of its 15th anniversary that included social activities and speakers reflecting on the institution’s history and future. 密苏里学院在2017-18学年结束时关闭.
7月31日 2020 为了应对全国性的种族骚乱和大学校长. John Jasinski's challenge to the Northwest Foundation Board to consider how it can better support students of color, 1980年的校友凯伦丹尼尔宣布她的100万美元现金捐赠建立凯伦L. Daniel Legacy Fund to provide scholarships for Black students and assist Northwest with its renewed focus on diversity and inclusion initiatives.